Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012


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1. Buatlah contoh percakapan antara petugas Front Office Cashier atau Front Desk Agent dengan tamu pada saat petugas menangani keberangkatan tamu individual.

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KOL DI Program PVB

Kuliah FO Pertemuan III dan IV (KOL)

Petunjuk KOL:

1. Unduh materi FO materi Prosedur Keberangkatan Tamu , materi GRO dan Guest Complaint pada web:stpsahid.net
2. Baca dan pahami materi tersebut, jika anda mengalami kesulitan dapat menghubungi di ym:hardini9810@yahoo.com atau di google talk:diniiidris9810@gmail.com atau di sms di no.081519677755
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Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Tugas Tambahan FO

Petunjuk Pengerjaan Tugas.
1. Baca dan pahami topik Types of Reservations dan Sources of Reservation.
2. Buatlah rangkuman dalam bahasa Indonesia.
3. Carilah 2(dua)referensi lain yang terkait dengan topik tersebut,kemudian buat rangkumannya.
4.Tulislah sumber atau referensinya.
5. Tugas dikumpulkan paling lambat tanggal 9(sembilan) Oktober via email:hardini9810@yahoo.com
6. Jika anda memerlukan informasi tambahan dapat menghubungi di ym.

Types of Reservation & Sources of Reservation

Types of Reservation Systems

A franchisee is a hotel owner who has access to a national reservation system and receives the benefits to corporation’s management expertize, financial backing, national advertising and group purchasing. A franchise member of areservation system or a member of a referal system gains significatn advantages from interhotel property referals , a system in which one member property recommends another member property to a guest, and national adversiting.
Referal Member
A referal memebr of a reservation referal system, a worldwide organising that processes requests for a room reservation at a particular member hotel, is a hotel developer owner who has access to the national reservation system. Hotels that are members of the reservations system are more than able to justify the associated costs;for example, a chain property may obtain 15 to 30 percet of its daily room rentals from the national reservation system, depending on local economic and market conditions. Compared to costs incurred by an independent property that must be generate every single room sale with individual marketing and sales efforts, franchise referal costs seen minimal.
Sources of Reservations
Guest reservations came from a variety of market segments. Some of the more common groups are corporate clients, social/miliatry/educational/religious/fraternal(SMERF) organizations, group travelers, leisure travelers, and current guest who want to return to the same hotel. This is only one way of classifiying guest reservations. The purpose of analyzing these segments is to understand the needs of each group and to provide reservation systems that meet their needs. Keep in mind that reviewing these needs will assist you on gaining insight into the guest’s methods of communication. The more you learn about these methods, the better you will be able to monitor and improve current reservation communication systems
Corporate System
The corporate client is a hotel guest employed by a business or a guest of that the business corporate clients provide a hotel with an opportunity to establish a regular flow of business during sales periods that would otherwise be flat. For example, a hotel located in an area popular with weekend tourists would operate at a loss if an aggressive marketing efffort were not made to secure corporate clients from Sunday through Thursday nights. Corporate clients are usually in town to visit corporate heaquaters or to attend business meetings or conventions. Visits are usually structured in advance, with detailed agendas and itineraries. Such structured schedules suggest the corporate guest requires reservations to ensure a productive business visit.

The reservation for the corporate guest may be initiated by a secretary or an administrative assistant. These office personnel are vital to the hotel marketing efforts. Many hotels offer a secretaries  club, which is a powerful marketing and public relation effort aimed at this group. The program encourages the secertary or administrative assistant to make room reservations with the hotel for visiting business clients by providing incentives such as gift certificates for the person who books the most reservations, free meals, and free special-interest seminars. This system forms the basis for a loyal contigent of secretaries and administrative assistants who think of the club’s hotel first. This marketing program helps the front office manager and the reservationist get to know the leaders in the business community in an indirect way.If such people need to quick reservation on a busy night, they fell they will receive special consideration from the hotel management.
A toll free phone number assists the cost conscious corporate client by allowing corporate guests calling from outside property’s area code to save on phone bills. The independent lodging property that has installed a toll free phone number gives itself a marketing advantage. If the person making the reservation wants to check our rates, location, amenities related hotels services, and trhe like, he or she can do so without incurring expense. Even with today’s common use of cell phones, the toll free number is appreciated. The corporate client can then match travel needs with available lodging properties.
The corporate client can also plece the reservation through the reservation/referal system of the chain organization. The large chains, which advertise by radio, television, billloard, and print, allow the corporate client to make reservations easly through to a tollfree number.The number connects the caller to a reservationist who has access to a data bank of available rooms at lodging properties that are members of the chain or referral system. The reservation can be completed in minutes. The use of a single phone number to access all properties offers the corporate client an easy, standard way to make reservations for stays in several cities with one call. In the lodging industry, this opportunity to gain repeat business is important. Travel agents also make reservations for corporate clients. The travel agent who is booking air or other client can also visit a hotel’s website to obtain information and make a room reservation. A more recent means of comunicating reservation to lodging properties is Linkdln. Carol Verret describes how Linkedln can assist the sales representative in a lodging property.

Sources: James A.Bardi, Hotel Front Office Management-Fift Edition

Selasa, 25 September 2012

Tugas individu_KOL FO_PBU VIII

Petunjuk pengerjaan tugas.
1. Baca dan pahami seluruh materi pada KOL PBU VIII dengan seksama.
2. Buatlah intisari materi tersebut dalam bahasa Indonesia.
3. Carilah referensi lain yang terkait dengan topik ini, kemudian buat intisari/rangkumannya.
4. Tulislah juga sumber referensi yang anda gunakan.
5. Tugas dikerjakan didalam blog masing-masing atau dikirim ke hardini9810@yahoo.com, tugas akan diperiksa pada hari Minggu(30),pada jam 15.00.
6.Jika anda mengalami kesulitan dapat menghubungi no.081519677755 (sms only) atau ym:hardini9810@yahoo.com.

Kuliah Online PBU VIII

Importance of The First Contact

The first impression a guest receives of lodging facility during registration is extremely important in setting the tone for hospitality and establishing a continuing business relationship. The guest who is warmly welcomed with sincere greeting will respond positively to the hotel and will expect similar hospilatily from other hotel employees. If the guest receives a halfhearted welcome, he or she will not be enthusiastic about lodging facility and will be more likely to find fault with the hotel during the visit. Today’s guest expects to be treated with respect and concern, and many hotels make the effort to meet those expectations, those that to do not should not expect the guest return.
What constitutes a warm welcome?this varies. It begins with the front desk employee’s empathizing with the feelings of the traveler, someone who has been away from familiar sorroundings for many hours or many days. He or she may be stressed by the frustrations of commercial travel delayed schedules, lost luggage, jetlag, missed meals, unfamiliar sorroundings, unclear directions or unfamiliar public transportation. The hotel employee who is considerate of the traveler under the circumstances is more likely to recognice anxiety, restlessness and hospitality and respond to them in a positive, understanding manner.
A typical scenario is as follows: Mr. Traveler arrives at 9.15 A.M at the registration desk of the hotel. He is visibly upset because he is late for an important presentation to a group investors. He wants to get into his room, drop off his luggage and get public transportation to the corporate center. The desk clerk/front dest rings for a bellhop/porte to escort Mr.Traveler to the luggage storage area. When the bellhop arrives, the front desk describes Mr.Traveler’s situation. The bellhop calls doorman to obtain a taxi, gives Mr.Traveler a receipt for his luggage and escorts him to the main entrance of the hotel. Then he takes Mr.Travel’s luggage to the storages area. These timesaving practice allow Mr.Traveler to arrive at the presentation in a reasonable amount of time.When Mr.Travel returns to the hotel later taht day, he express his appreciation to the desk clerk on duty.The stage has been set for enjoyable, hospitable stay.

Components of the Registration Process
The registration process is one of the many points ofd interaction with the guest and ultimately, the cornerstone of the delivering service before, during and after the guest stay. Early in this section, we discuss the importance of capturing guest data that is confirmed from the previous reservation process or initiated with a walk in guest. While guests are in our care, we can communicate with them, maintain an accurate accounting record, respond to nquires about financial concerns and follow up service.

Capturing Guest Data
It is important note ath outset the value of capturing guet data at the registration. This information is used by many employees in the hotel to provide service and hospitality to the guest. It is used to tranfer messages to the guest, inform the staff of the guest’s needs, check credit background and process charges.
Guest receive phone calls, phone messages, mail, packages and fax transmissions the hotel must deliver. Recording the proper spelling of the guest’s name including the middle initial, during registration will assist the telephone operator and bellhop in locating the correct guest. A person with a common last name should not miss an important message just because more than one Tina. S.Rodriguez, T.S.Rodriguez or T.Samuel Rodriguez are registered at the hotel. In addition, hotel employees need to know who each guest is so standard operation procedures can be carried out. For example, the director of security wants the housekeeping staff to be alert for indications that more people staying in a room than registered for it. Not only does this information assist in providing security to registered guests but also it provides the hotel with additional income.
Guest Registration Procedure
The guest registration procedure involves several steps that, if followed accurately, allow management to ensure a pleasant, efficient and safe visit. The process is discussed is discussed generally as these steps relate to effective front office management. Later in this chapter, use of PMS(property management system) method of registration is discussed.
1. Guest requests to check into the hotel.
2. Front desk clerk projects hospitality toward the guest.
3. Front desk clerk inquires about guest reservations.
4. Guest completes registration card.
5.Front desk clerk reviews completeness of registration card.
6. Front desk clerk verifies credit.
7.Front desk clerk makes room selection.
8. Front desk clerk makes room assignment.
9. Front desk clerk assigns room rate.
10. Front desk clek discusses sales opportunities for hotel products and services with guest.
11. Front desk clerk provide room key.

References: Hotel Front Office Management, James A.Bardi-fifth edition